The Darmstadt Definitions of Improvisation


7 spontaneous answers to one question:
What is your definition of improvisation?

recorded at  13. Jazzforum conference
Darmstadt/Germany, 26.09.-28.09.2013

Prof. John Gennari (University of Vermont, Burlington/VT)

Prof.  Walter van de Leur (University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL)

Prof.  Tony Whyton (University of Salford, Salford, UK)

in German

Dipl.Phys.Dr. Klaus Frieler (Jazzomat, Hochschule für Musik Weimar)

Franz Kerschbaumer (Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Graz, A)

Wolfram Knauer (Jazzinstitut Darmstadt)

Prof. Manfred Straka (Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Graz, A)

©Michael Rüsenberg, 2013. Alle Rechte vorbehalten


The Frankfurt Definitions of Improvisation

sound thinking plakat 300dpi_v2

5 spontaneous answers to one question:
What is your definition of improvisation?

recorded at  sound thinking conference
Goethe University, Frankfurt/Germany, 30.05.-01.06.2013

Prof. Heiner Goebbels composer/director (Frankfurt) in German

Bernhard Günter musician, soundartist (Koblenz)

Dr. Christoph Lischka sound-theorist, philosopher (Frankfurt)

Dr. Danko Nikolic (Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt)

Prof. David Toop musician, author (London)

©Michael Rüsenberg, 2013. Alle Rechte vorbehalten

The Oxford Definitions of Improvisation


17 spontaneous answers to one question:
What is your definition of improvisation?

James Andean (Sibelius Academy, Helsinki)

Prof. Clement Canonne (Université de Bourgongne, Dijon/F)

Prof.Eric Clarke (Oxford University)

Dr. Rachel Darnley-Smith (University of Roehampton, London)

Mark Doffman (Oxford University)

Dr. Peter Elsdon (University of Hull)

Prof.Lydia Goehr (Columbia University, NYC)

Andrew Goldman (phd candidate, University of Cambridge)

Dan Goren (Oxford Brookes University)

David Hargreaves (University of Roehampton, London)

Marian Jago (phd candidate, York University, Toronto)

Prof. Eric Lewis (McGill University, Montreal)

Prof. George Lewis (Columbia University, NYC)

Dr. Tom Perchard (Goldsmiths, University of London)

Dr. Olivier Senn (Musikhochschule Luzern/CH) in German

Prof. John Sloboda (Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London)

Prof. Raymond MacDonald (University of Edinburgh)

©Michael Rüsenberg, 2012. Alle Rechte vorbehalten

The Atlanta Definitions of Improvisation

10 spontaneous answers to one question:
What is your definition of improvisation?

recorded at  The Improvising Brain symposium
Georgia State University, Atlanta/GA, April 8+9 2013,
except *

Prof. Philip Auslander (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta/GA)*

Roger Beaty (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)

Dr. James Fidlon (University of Texas, Austin/TX)

Chazz Gist (University of Alaska, Fairbanks)

Andrew Goldman (University of Cambridge/UK)

Dr. Monika Herzig (Indiana University at Bloomington)

Christian Howes, violinist (Columbus/OH)

Prof.Dr. Martin Norgaard (Georgia State University, Atlanta/GA)

Iwan Wopereis (Open University of the Netherlands, Herlen/NL)

Dr. Robert Zatorre (Montreal Neurological Institute)

©Michael Rüsenberg, 2013. Alle Rechte vorbehalten