The Atlanta Definitions of Improvisation

10 spontaneous answers to one question:
What is your definition of improvisation?

recorded at  The Improvising Brain symposium
Georgia State University, Atlanta/GA, April 8+9 2013,
except *

Prof. Philip Auslander (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta/GA)*

Roger Beaty (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)

Dr. James Fidlon (University of Texas, Austin/TX)

Chazz Gist (University of Alaska, Fairbanks)

Andrew Goldman (University of Cambridge/UK)

Dr. Monika Herzig (Indiana University at Bloomington)

Christian Howes, violinist (Columbus/OH)

Prof.Dr. Martin Norgaard (Georgia State University, Atlanta/GA)

Iwan Wopereis (Open University of the Netherlands, Herlen/NL)

Dr. Robert Zatorre (Montreal Neurological Institute)

©Michael Rüsenberg, 2013. Alle Rechte vorbehalten